Homes for the Homeless is a mission of Strategic Alliance that started in 1993 when a missionary couple visited an area surrounding the border town of Reynosa, Mexico. Seeing the landscape for the first time, it was a sight of unimaginable deprivation. Families, who had nowhere to go, settled on a dusty piece of land previously used as a trash dump. They make do with what they can find, forming tiny dwellings out of scrap boards, pallets, cardboard, tin and pieces of plastic. Hope has no borders.
We have also found that love has no borders. Since that first trip, Strategic Alliance has built over 2500 homes, changing the future and giving hope to these families. Strategic Alliance organizes and coordinates teams from the United States to build a home for a family in desperate need.
This outreach is “hands on” although construction skills are not necessary. Sometimes the most lasting impact is on the people who go. Side-by-side with the people of the dump, the team builds a home for a family in need. As we reach beyond ourselves our lives are changed. Teams return home having received much more than they have given. They will never be forgotten by the family for whom they built.
The story of Homes for the Homeless is setting foundations, building walls, lending a hand, supporting dreams, solidifying friendships and ultimately giving and receiving joy! Families experience the love of Jesus and many make their heart a home for Him. We welcome your help to build a home for a family and reach into their lives with the love of Christ. Please let us know how you can help.
God wants to start a rich, real, vital relationship of give-and-take, loving and being loved. Donations are accepted as well as willing team members.
Your gift will change a family’s life forever. And possibly, even your own!
If you are interested in joining one of our upcoming teams, please view our Calendar page for important dates.
Safety is of the utmost concern to Strategic Alliance. Please view our Safety Information page for more information on our safety procedures.